Our MAAT candidate, Jeanne E. P. Posted this question to Garrison Keillor on his blog-
You do a masterful job of presenting the life-long woes of the English major. However, I will graduate next month with a degree that I believe is far more employment-challenged. Might you have career suggestions for someone with a Master's degree in Applied Theology?
Jeanne E. P.
Talent, OR
Mr. Keillor’s Response is quite thoughtful! --
My dear theologian, The world is waiting for you. Economists are bewildered, politicians are confused, we humorists are less and less funny, the American people seem more devoted to unreality than ever before, and it's time for theology to clear things up for the rest of us. I assume that the "Applied" means that you won't be looking for a church job. You'll be heading out into the everyday world where the theological rubber meets the pavement. I think you should send your resume to Goldman Sachs and tell them in a hundred words why they need a theologian on staff. An applied theologian. You. It is still a Judeo-Christian world they operate in and nine out of ten Americans say they believe in God, so a big company ought to have a place for you — when in Rome, go with someone who speaks Italian. If Goldman Sachs turns you down, try UBS, try WalMart. We do not have a staff theologian at PHC but it wouldn't be a bad idea. What is the good of all those sad songs, the lost cowboys, the lascivious private eye, the languorous tales of prairie life? How does this contribute to the soul? You could guide us down these murky pathways, Jeanne. And I hope you wouldn't mind answering the phone and listening to audition CDs and popping popcorn. All part of the job.
Ah, What a response...thoughtful and yet the telling touch of humor with other duties as needed to finish the comment. Isn't that always the thought, help heal the world, help one another, and oh by the way if you don't mind a fresh pot of coffee and pick up on your way out today...so perhaps it is the calling - to do what needs to be done, in community and support of one another.